Oh it was along bloody day. Bearing in mind I cannot remember much of it. Thank God for Robert, Nessa and my parents that's all I can say they have some how managed to keep me sane through all of this. So let's see.....
Day shift nurse was very sweet - that was the problem - a tad too sweet and a tad to deferential. No offense to all our wonderful MD friends but this nurse really needed to shout at the OB residents....So I already had that one tube in to dilate things - it worked somewhat got me (we thought) to 6cm. YAY excitement abounding in room B1468.Then crash...5cm dilated and contractions slowing down again. At this point I had declared myself Rachel from friends - y'all remember the episode where she had Emma and loads of other women come in and deliver before herand her abor lasted 47 hours? Well that was me.....
So after the first dilator is removed something is put in to actually measure the contractions and see if they are adequate - "Well duh" my magnesium addled brain is thinking "If they were adequate I would not still be sitting here". So in it goes, and up goes the rate of pitocin....oh joy.By this point because of the anti-diuretic effect of the pitocin my cankles have now spread and I am a solid block of edema from my toes to my belly. I have a pounding headache and am just getting meaner and grumpier and insane - once again due to the magnesium. I take a nap - and although I wake up I keep my eyes closed while I listen Nessa basically tell the nurse that we moved into ridiculous at hour 44 of NOT progreesing. Now I know what to say to the attending. I wake up (funny how that happens.....)just as the attending comes in and I tell her that I am done - that I just cannot keep doing this, that I cannot keep hearing all the platitudes of "But look on the bright side Mrs. Kennedy your baby is very happy" and that if it wasn't for the epidural I would go home. I was sobbing by this time. I felt so ill and so miserable.
Then whoosh.....
Anesthesia are there giving me more meds in to the epidural and that was utterlt terrifying - like I couldn't breath, and also throwing up but I could't totally feel it.....
People are handing Robert and Nessa sets of scrubs
Off we go to the mythical "end of the hall" at 5.15pm. I don't even know that they have started anything surgical by the time at 6pm exactly Miss Poppy Elizabeth Marie makes her very very welcomed arrival into this world. I am laying there enjoying the function returning to my arms while everyone else is sayig how perfect she is....BAH! I can't see her! Then I get a peek and I thought my heart was going to explode. I don't even have enough words to explain how it felt to see this little face peeking at me. I hear everyone going back and forth about heights and weights - in cm and kg - means nothing to me at all! Finally someone says 8.8 pounds, head c ircumference 15 inches and around 20.75 inches long. All that is heard in the OR is "Holy shit!" Oh - that was me....
Oh but now after a couple of days to recover we have this gorgeous tiny creature and she is all ours and I cannot believe it. She is so alert - wants to look at every thing, loves to be held, seems to have finally taken to breastfeeding. She just had her hearing test that she passed with flying colors. She did have a positive Coombs so we are watching for jaunduice - but none so far - we put her in the window all the time when the sun is shining. Who needs a bili light? She is also incredibly mellow - I cannot even explain how calm this tiny thing is. She fusses for maybe 2 or 3 minutes and then she is done.
I am working on making photos visible to everyone - we have nothing but time since I do not get discharged until Wednesday and I have it on very good authority that today is Monday - things have gotten blurry.....
So to all of you who have followed our wee adventure thank you so much for your love and support
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