Newborn Poppy

Newborn Poppy

Sunday, February 21, 2010

3 months

3 months, 12 weeks, 13 weeks has all blended into one huge milestone. Poppy turned 3 months on Valentines Day - seriously how much cuter could that be? I am now already hitting that point where I am pinching myself because it is all going so fast - too fast. I am also pretty sure having talked to so many friends and family who are already mums that it just keeps speeding up from here on in.
So what has happened since the last note?
Poppy is growing like a weed. When we had our 2 month appointment she weighed in at a health 12 and a half pounds and 23 inches long. We weighed her yesterday at Isis and in between the cute outfit and the minor mad she was having she was anywhere between 13 and a half and 14 pounds - time to get the tape measure out and see if she got taller which I am sure she did! Getting her to keep her legs still long enough to measure her will however be the tricky part. She has a new nickname..."Kicky Girl" She just loves to kick her legs and see how high she can make them go and the look of utter happiness onthat little face when she does this is so incredible. She has also been busy discovering that her feet and hands actually belong to her and her hands taste way better than her dummy (pacifier). It is so cute to both of us to wake up in the early hours and hear her sucking away on her hand. She hasn't gotten her feet into her mouth yet but they are sure fascinating. The first day she found them was so funny, she was wearing a romper and the leg parts end mid-calf. She started pulling up one leg - pretending to be LL Cool J I think, and all of a sudden she sees her foot and sits there staring at it for like 5 minutes. We promptly went out and bought her the Lamazze hand and foot rattles which she completely ignores, but her sleep and play outfits that have little characters on the feet are now the greatest thing ever. She also has discoverd some toys notable Mr. Whoozit (Manahattan Toys), Mr Buzzy (Zolo fuzzi puffi) and Sophie( Vulli) - it is so fun to watch her become aware of these new things. She has also started pushing the dogs away when they get too kissy which is super cute! She is also discovering her voice lots of coos and gaas and most recently giggles, yup like her mummy she is very vocal!
I loved my mommy and me class at Isis, and I start the next one in the coming week and what makes it so much better is that there are at least 3 other moms from the first class in it. I really believe that Great Beginings stopped me from becoming depressed, to have the support of other mums with new babies of the same age as your infant is utterly invaluable. I resisted joining Isis while I was pregnant but post-partum? Best thing I ever did!(The prozac bottle is still unopened)
I went back to work on Feb 1st and this working full time is proving to be a challenge. Leaving her that first time wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, but then Robert had actively encouraged me to go out without her while I was still on maternity leave and that really helped. The biggest challenges have been learning to pump effectively so my milk supply does not decrease, and dealing with being so sleep deprived while working. I think I have the pumping thing sorted out, with the help of Chris who is so very patient with me pumping in the office and great at reminding me to pump. The sleep thing is not so easy as I am seriously aware of how mean I can be when I am tired and of course Robert gets the brunt of my moodiness. I am trying to remember that I have spent my entire adult life learning to multi-task and I really can't expect Robert to be able to instantly do this....We are working on it - he is the best stay at home dad ever, but he is no good at house work and child care at the same time! We are starting to interview babysitters and housekeepers and this is pretty scary! I am just so glad we don't have to interview nannys! I have however rediscovered cooking, and coming home and cooking a really nice meal is not only relaxing for me, but it is also good for us as a family, and way better than take out junk. Also I lost all the baby weight and then some and I really want to keep the wieght off and maybe even lose a bit more....
Some random things I have learned? Gerber onesies are useless the sizing is so off. UK baby clothes are bigger than US baby clothes. Carters baby clothes are fab as are Just One Size and Baby Gap (US) and Mothercare, Baby Next and Marks and Spencer. Toys R Us is hideously expensive - compared to other places. Boston is very unfriendly to wheelchairs and prams and pushchairs - the bus is impossible, I am not ready to brave the green line and the ramps in the mall basically mean you are going the long way round!

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